Monday, February 09, 2009

News of the Day

- Turncoat Republican Senators Arlen "magic bullet" Specter, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins decided to abandon the Republican Party by voting with the Democrats today to pass the $838 million dollar stimulus package out of the Senate. All 36 No votes came from Republicans.

Now the bill faces hurdles in conference committee as House and Senate negotiators will try to hammer out some sort of compromise agreement. Let's see if they can pass that.

- The Daytona 500 on Sunday kicks off the Nascar season. We will see if Jimmie Johnson can win his 4th straight title.

- Bret Michael's Rock of Love Bus is getting crazy. Last night he brought in 3 new girls to shake up the mix, because he hasn't really been feeling the connections with the other girls. I just have no idea who he will pick and I believe neither does Bret.

- White House is demanding oversight of the 2010 Census. This move has far-reaching political implications for voting, redistricting and representation in future elections. This move looks like the White House wants to take Census-taking power away from the Commerce Department, which has oversight of the Census Bureau, so they can manipulate the redistricting of congressional seats. I hope this is not so. It would be not only unethical, but illegal. Bruce Chapman, of the U.S. Census Bureau, wrote in his Discovery blog that "the only reason the White House would want to be involved is in figuring out how to add more voting power to certain states and certain groups within states."

- Stimulus plan could supply illegal aliens with 300,000 jobs. The Senate version of the bill, which just passed today, does not prohibit illegals from those jobs. The House version prohibits contractors from hiring employees without first checking the E-Verify system, which allows employers to verify whether a person is authorized to work in the U.S.

- The RealID Act of 2005 has been temporarily killed in the Virginia House and Senate committees. If this ever passes, it is an egregious violation of the 1st, 4th, and 10th Amendments.


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