Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kudos to the US Military

Congratulations to the US Military for killing Al-Queda second in command Zarqawi. I feel this is a great victory for us in the war on terror. Even though i don't think we should have gone to Iraq, i do feel we should do all we can to win, and the military's perserverance in this has been very commendable. After his death, the military made about 144 raids on Al-Queda and then we found the chest of information that told us that the enemy was in disarray. I really felt we were making strides, it was just that everytime someone died, it was a major news story. Our soldiers have made a great sacrifice, but i truely believe we are winning the war on terror and it is clearly evident now that the tide is turning. We still may not be able to leave Iraq for a while, but at least the enemy, and all of our enemies, including Iran, North Korea, etc. that we will not break and we will stay until the last enemy is destroyed.

That has to be our mission. Anything short of that would be criminal.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Is it OK to use the term "Fag"

This week in sports, Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen called Chicago Sun Times columnist Jay Mariotti "an -- fag" because Mariotti wrote critically of Guillen. Guillen said that he didn't mean it as a slur, but that it meant that Mariotti wasn't a real man because he won't stand accountable in the White Sox locker room for the things the writes about the team. Mariotti says he fears for his life if he was to go into that locker-room and has been threatened before. Guillen has been attacked by most media outlets this week and ESPN has lost its mind by not even saying the term "fag", instead saying " a word that rhymes with bag". That is just ridiculous. But that got me to thinking, why is everyone so upset over the term. There have been many articles and columns written this week about this and no one has mentioned why they are so upset with the term "fag."

I understand that fag can be used as a slur against homosexuals, but i've used the term for a long time with my friends. I call close friends "fags" and them likewise. Are we being told "fag" is a slur because it hits close to home about Mr. Mariotti? I have never read anything about him being homosexual and no one mentioned this week, well at least no one at ESPN mentioned it. Are they upset because a member of their fraternity was outed, or do they have a real problem with the term. I think if you are not homosexual, then you should not get upset if someone calls you a "fag".

Also, what is the real reason Mariotti does not feel safe in the locker-room? Is it because he was threatened because he is a homosexual and homosexuals are not prevelant nor sometimes welcome in professional sports locker-rooms? I'm not saying Mr. Mariotti is gay, because i have no proof of that. I'm just saying that if he was, a lot of this would make more sense.I don't know. Maybe he feels threatened just because of a story he wrote, and if he does, then things are in sad shape. I would like someone in the media to ask the questions i've asked here today. Then, i believe, will the have, as Paul Harvey used to tell us everyday, the REST OF THE STORY.

Sorry for the delay

I know it's been a while since my last post, but i've been busy. A lot has happened in June. We first went from having an Amnesty bill out of the US Senate to now having been told that there will be no immigration legislation to come out of the House this election year. Barry Bonds has now passed Babe Ruth and we have learned that there are other people who have taken steroids in baseball, instead of just the accusations against him. President Bush has seen a small rise in his poll numbers as things in Iraq had stabilized, but then we had 2 soldiers brutally murdered and now we have Marines being accused of murdering civilians. I have had to move because of things happening to my old roommates' house. I cannot move into my new place until August 1, so now i'm staying with friends for the next 40 days or so.

Nacho Libre has taken the place as the new "Napoleon Dynamite" movie out right now. It could be the next cult classic. I urge all to see it.

Tomorrow i will post on the Ozzie Guillen - Jay Mariotti "fag" slur. Are we being told all we need to know about this story? you decide tomorrow.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Senate passed Amnesty

Last week, the US Senate passed its Amnesty legislation, cleverly called the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act or S. 2611. It passed with a vote of 62-36, with 2 senators not present. Votes of note are from Republican Presidential hopefuls John McCain, who is the presumptive nominee, and from Senate Majority leader Bill Frist, both of whom voted yes. George Allen, whom i think will win the nomination, voted NO. The Democrat frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, voted Yes as well, although if any Democrat emerges in the next 2 years strong on Immigration Reform, then she may have a challenge. The other vote of note is from Sen. Robert Byrd of WV, whom has voted NO on every bad amendment and the final passage of the bill. This now goes to Conference Committee where both House and Senate conferees will try to hammer out a bill that the House will accept. I do not believe the House of Representatives will pass this bill, as it currently is now, and may not pass any revised version either. The House has been very adament on what they consider important, and none of that was addressed by the Senate.
To find out more about what actually the bill looks like in its current version, check out the US Congress roll call votes section at:

I will keep you updated on its progress through conference and the House.

Today's Rant

Lynyrd Skynyrd puts on a great show. I forgot how good they sound live. Even in the rain, it was a great show. But i did learn that unisex bathrooms are not popular when there is a long line of people waiting to use the bathroom.

One of my readers gave me a great update. It seems that Lark Vorhees has been fighting the tabloids on rumors that she used to be a "coke head", claiming those allegations ruined her career. The last time i saw her was on Days of our Lives and that was years ago. Here is a link to the story if you are interested...

More to post later...