Today I reflect on September 11, 2001, a day I will never forget. Six years ago today was one of the most fearful days I have ever had. As I walked into my office in DC, our press dept. cut on the TV's as they normally do to find out the news of the day. About a minute after the TV was on, the first plane flew into the First Tower. I didn't see it, but saw the aftermath. I remember that no one knew what was going on, if it was a cessna, military jet, anything. No one knew that planes had been hijacked yet. Reports were scarce and the news of the plane being a commercial airline was just coming over the TV when i got a call on my cell phone from a friend of mine, Justin Miller, who said they just saw a ball of fire come from the Pentagon. His office faced the Pentagon, so he would have a good view. The news didn't even know yet about the Pentagon. About a minute after getting the call, i watched the 2nd plane fly into the other tower. I was afraid then. Our boss called in and said that he wasn't coming back to the office and that we could finally go home if we wanted. Nice for him to do that. Soon after, we learned a plane had hit the Pentagon. Then, you grasped the realization that we were under attack.
Our office was about 6 blocks from the Capitol and i thought the Capitol was probably a target. You couldn't get out of DC. Cars were stopped on the 14th Street Bridge and people were getting out of their cars and fleeing. It was pandemonium. Also, there was no phone service in DC for about 4 hours. They shut down all landlines and all cellphones didn't work either. I couldn't call my family in Danville to tell them i was alright. They couldn't reach me either. it was a rough time. We were stuck in DC. It wasn't later till we learned that a 4th plane was enroute to DC and the rumor was that it was going to hit the Capitol. I heard the sonic booms from the F-15's being scrambled from Andrews AFB or Langley. Later we learn that they were heading to PA.
I finally made it of town around 2pm and DC was deserted. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I remember that it was a tough couple of months because the Anthrax scare in DC was soon after that. It was a scary time. But 9/11 will always stick in my head and be in my heart. I will remember all those heroes who risked their lives to save others in NY, DC and in PA. I remember the American pride that came about after the attacks. I often miss that. Where is that patriotism and comradery?
I think people forget that we are still under attack. There is a group of people out there (Al Queda for those of you who are a little slow) who want to see all American dead. If we don't covert to Islam, then we should all die. I think we forget. As long as we are fighting Al Queda in Iraq and Afghanistan, then they are not here blowing up buildings and killing innocent Americans. We are winning the war on terror, but it is a war that we will have to fight for many years, whether our troops leave Iraq or not. The bigger picture is not to forget the enemy and to remember what they've already done: The first WTC attack, rumors of Al Queda operatives being part of OKC bombing, the attempts in London, Spain, Los Angeles. We keep stopping them. I wish we weren't in Iraq now, like most people, but i firmly believe, that if we are there, then the mission should be not to set up a government for Iraq but to kill everyone of those terrorists. Kill all Al Queda. Congress needs to let the military do that. We could end this thing if we would just make this our mission.
So, I hope you'll share your 9/11 thoughts and memories with me. Remember, we still in the greatest country in the world. That is why our enemies hate us. Today, God Bless America.