This Day in History, April 25th
1719 - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is published.
1792 - Highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier becomes first person executed by guillotine.
1847 - The last survivors of the Donner Party come out of the wilderness.
1898 - Spanish American War: The U.S. Declares War on Spain.
1944 - The United Negro College Fund is incorporated, because a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Harlem Globe Trotter Meadowlark Lemon and Scent of a Woman's Al Pacino were born on this day in different years. Talia Shire was also born on this day in some random year. She's a horrible actress who's been in 2 of the biggest movie sets of all time: The Godfather Trilogy and the Rocky movies.
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